AP-1 Chemical Indicator Film

AP-1 Chemical Indicator Film (1)
Russian Designation ИНДИКАТОРНЫХ ПЛЕНОК АП-1
(Indicator Film, AP-1)
Manufacturer State Factories
Year Adopted Uncertain
Operational Status (2008):

Russia – In active Service

AP-1 kits in GO-24 Set: 10
Strips of Indicator Film in AP-1 kit: 20
Detects: VX nerve agent
Duration: 48 hours (unless exposed to precipitation or decontamination agents)
AP-1 film Dimensions

18.0 cm

(7.09 inches)

2.5 cm (0.98 inches)
Total Weight (of ГО-24 kit):

___ grams

(___ ounces)


AP-1 Indicator Film Kit
in pictures

History and Development of the
AP-1 Indicator Film Kit

Return to Uniforms and Field Gear of the Soviet Superpower


Sources Cited

(1) Радоуцкий В.Ю. and Шульженко В.Н., Рубанов Ю.К., Нестерова Н.В., Юрьев А.М., Средства и способы радиационной и химической защиты: Учебное пособие. (Ways and means of protection against radiation and chemicals, a tutorial). 2008. Print.